CCCA Equipment Booking System

Open hours

Photography Equipment
Westby Hall - see Dean Powers

RTF, Art, & Journalism Equipment
RTF Equipment Room - BOZ 165

Mon. - Thu.: 9:30am - 6:30pm
Fri.: 9:30am - 4:00pm

Note: the last available time to book a check-out/in is 15 minutes before closing.

Closed Weekends and Holidays 

To pick up booked gear, you must present a valid photo ID. Equipment will be given only to the student who owns the booking. Anyone can return gear, regardless of who owns the booking.

Contact us

Contact: Dean Powers

During Open Hours: 856-256-4347
Supervisor - Sean O'Leary


  • If you cannot log in or receive an error message indicating you do not have access to any booking wizards, contact the site supervisors for your course's department (listed above) for help.


  • To pick-up booked gear, you must present a valid photo ID. Equipment will be given only to the student who owns the booking. Anyone can return gear, regardless of who owns the booking.

     Note: the last available time to book a check-out/in is 15 minutes before closing.


  • Sign in with your Rowan University network username and password.

  • You can only log in if you are in an ART, JRN or RTF major and/or specific course, or a University employee with access to CCCA equipment.

  • You can only book equipment that is associated with your course or major.

  • If you can log in but receive an error that you do not have access to a booking wizard, email one of the site supervisors for your course department (listed above) from your email account with the subject line no booking access and in the body, list your name and course for which you should have access.  We'll investigate and get back to you.


All users MUST agree to these terms & conditions before finalizing a booking.

Terms & Conditions updated August 25, 2022

1. REQUESTOR/CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION. Bookings for equipment will permit only the person whose name is associated with the booking, hereafter referred to as “the customer,” to complete the equipment checkout process. The customer must show photo identification at check-out.

2. BOOKING / EQUIPMENT USAGE ELIGIBILITY. The customer’s booking is contingent upon their eligibility to use specific equipment designated for specific courses and/or academic majors/minors, and may be canceled if this eligibility cannot be confirmed. 


3.1. STUDENT USAGE. Production equipment may be used only by students enrolled in approved production courses within the Ric Edelman College of Communications & Creative Arts to which equipment has been allocated and only for the completion of projects in those courses as assigned by the instructor. Back-to-back bookings of the same equipment are not permitted. 

3.2. FACULTY/STAFF/ADMINISTRATION USAGE. Production equipment may be allocated to faculty/staff/administrators in the Ric Edelman College of Communications & Creative Arts only when it does not conflict with student usage as defined in section 3.1. 

4. EQUIPMENT INSPECTION AT CHECKOUT. It is the responsibility of the customer to visually inspect and test all equipment for proper working conditions prior to checkout of equipment. This includes making sure all components of systems of interconnected parts are proper and intact, as well as functional and free from operational defects. Any missing parts, visible damage, or operational problems should be reported to the site equipment room counter staff at the time of checkout. Staff may make appropriate substitutions if possible and available, or will note the current condition issue upon checkout.

5. RESPONSIBILITY & LIABILITY UPON CHECKOUT. The customer is 100% responsible and liable for all equipment checked out to the customer. The customer is fully and completely liable for any costs involved in repair or replacement of inoperative, damaged, missing and/or stolen equipment upon scheduled check-in. Normal wear and tear is tolerated; gross negligence or intentional damage/loss is not. The customer is not responsible for replacement of used expendables (including but not limited to non-rechargeable batteries, blown light bulbs, custom-cut gel/diffusion, adhesive tape) within acceptable need and usage amounts as determined by the Ric Edelman College of Communications & Creative Arts equipment room supervisor(s) on a case-by-case basis.

6. LATENESS / NO-SHOW FOR CHECKOUT. The customer has a one-hour grace period from the scheduled check-out time to complete check-out, or the booking will be automatically canceled by the

Equipment Booking System. The customer is advised to notify the equipment room of lateness and seek to change the checkout time if necessary to avoid auto-cancellation. The one-hour grace period is abbreviated by the scheduled closing time of the equipment room. Bookings not checked out by the closing time of the equipment room will be automatically canceled by the system regardless of grace period status. Persistent lateness and/or no-show may result in account suspension and/or other disciplinary action as determined by the equipment room supervisor(s) and/or instructor up to and including termination of borrowing privileges. 

7. SCHEDULED CHECK-IN & RENEWALS. The customer is required to return all checked-out equipment no later than the scheduled check-in day/time. Check-in of borrowed equipment earlier than the scheduled check-in is permitted. If the customer requires the equipment longer than the scheduled booking allows, a renewal may be made for a single day extension at any point prior to the scheduled check-in date/time, provided the equipment is available. The customer may only renew a booking once. 

8. RESPONSIBILITY & LIABILITY UPON CHECK-IN. The customer is fully responsible and liable for all equipment until it is inspected and checked in by equipment room staff. The customer is fully and completely liable for any costs involved in repair or replacement of inoperative, damaged, missing and/or stolen equipment upon scheduled check-in. Any costs will be determined by the equipment room supervisor(s) and the customer may be billed at a later date. Normal wear and tear is tolerated; gross negligence or intentional damage/loss is not. The customer is not responsible for replacement of used expendables (including but not limited to non-rechargeable batteries, blown light bulbs, custom-cut gel/diffusion, adhesive tape) within acceptable need and usage amounts as determined by the equipment room supervisor(s) on a case-by-case basis.


a) Equipment should be transported and kept in protective bags or cases until ready for use. Equipment should be packed properly with any associated accessories when returning to the equipment room. 

b) Care should be taken to protect equipment from inclement and extreme weather conditions, including excessive cold and heat.

c) Care should be taken when unpacking/packing equipment. Most loss occurs when items are misplaced or mishandled. Keep all items in protective bags or cases until needed, and items not in use should remain packed.

d) Equipment should be safeguarded at all times. Never leave equipment unattended. Do not leave equipment in your vehicle.

e) In the event of theft, immediately report the incident to Rowan Public Safety (x4911) if on campus and the local police department if off-campus.

f) Equipment room staff and supervisors are not responsible for the customer’s omission (whether intentional or accidental) of any equipment from scheduled bookings. Equipment room staff and supervisors are not responsible for recognizing or resolving booking mistakes made by the customer.

10. FAILURE TO AGREE TO, OR VIOLATION OF, TERMS & CONDITIONS. Failure to agree to these terms and conditions will result in the booking becoming null and void. Violation of these terms and conditions at any time after agreement may result in any or all of the following depending on the severity of the violation: temporary or permanent suspension of equipment checkout privileges; notification of infraction to course instructor; notification of infraction to department chair; monetary fines or fee assessment; bursar account hold; academic/records hold; legal action.